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froze in isolation

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: froze in isolation

.................... flesh is such a drag
i finally figured out
why i will never fit in
if those i'm like were alive still
they'd kill them selves again
suicide is a short cut
i tore my map to shreds
then later reached a point
where pain doesn't hurt as much
.................... befriending silence
if you want a friend
be a friend
but they only liked my things
they'd ask politely
or rob me blindly
when my foot went down
now all i hear is silence
i moved so far away
where no one waves or smiles
or remembers me passing by
....................... i do not want to know you
we were just empty boxes
the day we were born
but we were filled with baggage
so bulged and so torn
we pick through the rubble
for some thing to keep
we find what we want
and flee from the heap
unroll the paper
right after the sash
when the last word is read
it's thrown in the trash
i love you so much that i let you go
i won't try to stop you from reaching your goal
i know you want joy and i want you to have
but that i can't give with a heart rent in half
you sold your sweat to fuel the machine
but the reward is as empty as the packaging
your joy shall entice them when you're lighter than air
but the hands that shall catch you shall find nothing there
..........................the lapse of poverty
a blanket of snow
a sheet of ice
tuck me in my death bed
head stone as pillow
annual service
until my memory is dead
.........................grave robber
if it makes you happy
just forget me
i am just passing through
these veins that throb
the hearts that sob
this blood that looks so blue
i'm a poetry junkie
i get high on your lows
and if i get lucky
it won't get yucky
when i question the depths of your woes
don't want you to suffer
it does make us tougher
much harder to penetrate
your walls' bricks do climb
one trauma at a time
a tomb fit for your self fulfilled fate
...............someone as unique
the hardest part of being unique
is wanting to hold and to keep
one who could not know you
one who would not want you
their love could never sink as deep
it is another that they seek
................absent center
my inner child no longer wants to play
it grew up and moved away
so burnt out on trial and error
it gained resistance to the fire
i told it not to touch the stove
it thought it was a treasure trove
it came out so black and hard
even it's heart was charred
i never wished for it to hurt
but fate it seemed that it should burn
and wish that i was never born

Quote: the heights of pleasure will never surpass the depths of pain

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February 3, 2007
Posts: 1

PostPosted:     Post subject: :::waves sheepishly:::
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:::sighs::: I'm glad to see you around. I enjoyed your words... but in a way, they were different then they were before. Maybe I'm imagining things.

Good to see you.

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